Sep 29, 2022 | Eric Prudence | 630 views
Friday Night Exhibition
As discussed with each individual, we thank everyone for giving us there all thus far.
Please find below the roster for Friday night.
Blaine Mongeau
Patrick Rau
Nash Mcmurren
Hudson Renwick
Landen Seguin
Nolan Jones
Adam Enns
Noah Kalifahe
Evan Johal
Dominic Piccinato
Nolan Mcmurren
Ryan Sadler
Lincoln Kniazview
Keagan Duarte
Judah Raffoul
Easton Fillion
Nicolas Chisholm
We expect all players who are both scratched, and in the lineup to show up in last years tracksuit, an hour before game time as we will be having a pre game warmup, and meeting. To all players who have been released, we thank you for your best efforts, and wish you the best of luck for the 2022/23 season.