May 04, 2024 | Eric Prudence | 791 views
U14 Roster Try-out game #2 vs Chatham
Here is the roster for Sunday's tryout game in Chatham:
As discussed in the room with everyone, the players listed below are moving on to Sundays game in Chatham. Players with an "*" by their name are asked to be at the rink, but will not be dressing. If your name is not listed below, thanks for giving us your all and best of luck to you for the upcoming season.
Aden Morgan
Dario Graziano
Nicolas Chisholm*
Nash McMurren
Jake Weston
Blake Friesen
Landen Seguin
Nolan Jones
Ted Van Gellecum
Mason Coulter*
Lincoln Kniaziew*
Ryan Sadler
Judah Raffoul
Patrick Rau
Adam Enns
Paul George
Tanner Harrison
Zack Bradley
Keagan Duarte
Nolan McMurren
The coaching staff