Oct 05, 2021 | MattCoulter | 463 views
Tryouts Complete
The coaching staff would like to thank everyone that came out to tryouts! If was very difficult but we were able to make a decision on a final roster and that is now posted below. For everyone that made the team congratulations! We are very excited about this team and look forward to seeing what we can accomplish in the upcoming season! We will be sending out an email to all the parents later today with some information regarding the next few weeks.
Dario Graziano
Easton Fillion
Mason Coulter
Ted Van Gellecum
Landen Seguin
Jake Weston
Nolan Jones
Blaine Mongeau
Ryan Sadler
Keagan Duarte
Lincoln Kniaziew
Gio Spano
Noah Kalifahe
Judah Raffoul
Paul George
Adam Enns
Nolan McMurren