AGM - March 26th, 2025, News, First Shift, DEV, Essex (Essex / Southpoint Rep Hockey)

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Essex Ravens Local League | Feb 24, 2025 | Nicole Savard | 224 views
AGM - March 26th, 2025
EMHA Annual General Meeting

The Board positions that will be elected at the Annual General Meeting, for the 2025/26 season, are as follows:

- President (2 year term, must be a current board member)
- 1st Vice President (2 year term, must be a current board member)
- Player Development Director (2 year term)
- Ice Time Coordinator (2 year term)
- Risk Management Director (2 year term)
- Registrar (2 year term)
- Equipment & Assets Manager (2 year term)
- 3 Directors at Large (2 year term)
- Member Relations (1 year term, due to open position elected in even years)

You may find the qualifications and job descriptions for the above positions here:

If you would like to put forward a nomination before the AGM please send an email to: [email protected]

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