EMHA Local League Goalie Clinics, News, U7 Development Team, DEV, Essex (Essex / Southpoint Rep Hockey)

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Essex Ravens Local League | Sep 24, 2024 | 1st Vice | 1737 views
EMHA Local League Goalie Clinics
EMHA is pleased to announce the Friday Night Goalie Clinics, happening every Friday @ 5pm. Instruction will be provided by Prospects Goaltending.

All EMHA Local League goalies are encouraged to attend. These clinics are FREE for registered EMHA goalies. Goalies (U11, U13 & U15) who attend 8 of 11 offered clinics, will be eligible for a 50% Refund of base registration fees.

Please register here


We are also looking for shooters. If you are a U15 / U16 / U18 player looking for volunteer hours, please sign up here
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