EMHA Annual General Meeting
The Board positions that will be elected at the Annual General Meeting, for the 2025/26 season, are as follows:
- President (2 year term, must be a current board member)
- 1st Vice President (2 year term, must be a current board member)
- Player Development Director (2 year term)
- Ice Time Coordinator (2 year term)
- Risk Management Director (2 year term)
- Registrar (2 year term)
- Equipment & Assets Manager (2 year term)
- 3 Directors at Large (2 year term)
- Member Relations (1 year term, due to open position elected in even years)
You may find the qualifications and job descriptions for the above positions here: https://essex-southpoint.com/Categories/1039/Pages/2810/Executive_Duties/
If you would like to put forward a nomination before the AGM please send an email to:
[email protected]